Chapter 1123: How About Cutting Off the Arhat's Arms?_1

Sky-Filling Flames swept across, filling the entire sky in an instant.

The Eight-Armed Arhat showed no fear, waving his magical artifact and smashing it down with earth-shaking force.

Lin Chen, like a floating duckweed, stepped on the void, constantly moving his position to evade the Arhat's bombardment.

At the same time, the Emperor's Seal had already heavily struck the gigantic gourd in the air.

Although the gourd has a large opening and strong suction power, how could it handle the mountain-like Emperor's Seal?

Not only could it not handle it, but it could also not escape.


A sudden crack appeared on the blue gourd.

Zhao Feiyu was shocked, cursing inwardly that the Emperor's Seal was just too powerful!

Although this wasn't the real Destiny Gourd, just a replica, it still had at least 50% of the Destiny Gourd's strength, but it couldn't withstand a single blow from the Emperor's Seal.

Zhao Feiyu dodged while controlling the Divine Sword to hunt and kill Lin Chen.