Chapter 1141: Sooner or Later, I'll Take Care of All of You_1

The Moses Giant Crocodile was the first to rush out of the gray mist, heading straight for Lin Chen.


The Xuanji Fairy's primordial spirit raised her hand again, clenching her slender fist, and threw a punch.

The turbulent spiritual energy fluctuations shook in a very short distance, turning into a torrential fist intent, hitting the Moses Giant Crocodile directly in the face.

The huge body of the Moses Giant Crocodile was like being hit by a cannonball, rolling directly backward, stirring up a large group of gray mist. However, the next second, it rushed over again with magnificent ferocious energy, biting more fiercely towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at this amazing scene, feeling the hair on his head crawl.

What kind of defensive power is this?!

Xuanji Fairy's punch would be impossible for any cultivator in the Wildlands to withstand, even those immortal slaves with some immortal power. It could easily blow up a mountain, yet it couldn't kill a crocodile!