Chapter 1144: It's Absurd That a Corpse Can Resurrect!_1

Help with cultivation?

Not bad!

It's not in vain that I almost froze into a popsicle and was nearly smashed into a meat sauce by a few giant beasts!

"Let's go."

Lin Chen flew all the way and finally arrived at Shen Zhou Linzhou City in Central Divine State, traveled a thousand miles north and found the Valley of Extinction that Zhu Yao mentioned.

Lin Chen sent Zhu Yao a message.

"I'm here, are you still there?"

Zhu Yao replied quickly: "Still here, where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up."

Lin Chen reported his position, and before long, a middle-aged man appeared.

"Mr. Lin, I am Zhu Ping, Zhu Yao's Uncle Seventeen. Please follow me."

Lin Chen wondered in his heart why Zhu Yao's Uncle Seventeen was the one to pick him up instead of Zhu Yao himself.

"Alright, thank you!"

Zhu Ping led Lin Chen forward, and Lin Chen noticed that the other party seemed to deliberately avoid the tombs inside the Valley of Extinction, flying along the edge of the valley.