Chapter 1174: Keep Pretending, Go On!_1

Spirit stones are quite valuable. A low-grade ordinary magical artifact only costs a few hundred spirit stones, and a few tens of thousands of spirit stones can buy low-grade magical treasures.

How many can one buy with 100 million spirit stones?

Even for those Great Sects, 100 million spirit stones are not a small sum. The Arrogant Youth is just a junior generation member of a sect, but he can spend over 100 million spirit stones to buy. It can be seen that his background must be very strong, and he is quite wealthy.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Chen, looking forward to his decision.

The price had already been raised so high, would he continue to follow?

Because of the Arrogant Youth's arrogant performance just now and Lin Chen's calm and steady bidding, the two were in sharp contrast. Naturally, everyone had a better impression of the calm Lin Chen.

He also has money but does not show off like you, much more stylish.