Chapter 1194: The Great One Has Descended to the Lower Realm, You Are Doomed This Time!_1

"Ah, yes!"

Lin Chen slapped his thigh, his eyes suddenly lighting up, "How could I forget that? Just because there's none in the human territory doesn't mean there's none in the demon territory... Old Xiang, come here."

Although Xiang Sheng was a servant, with an age of about eighteen hundred years, he had no problem being called Old Xiang.

Xiang Sheng was a little stunned at first, after all, the nickname Old Xiang had a somewhat intimate meaning.

The Human Emperor calling me Old Xiang...

Xiang Sheng's mood was indescribably subtle.

"Old Xiang, do you know anything about Ling Medicine?"

Xiang Sheng nodded, "A little bit."

Lin Chen asked, "I need a Ling Medicine called Bodhi Blood right now. I've searched the entire Elixir Trading Festival and there's no news of it. Have you heard any information about this Ling Medicine?"

"Bodhi Blood?"

Thinking for a moment, Xiang Sheng's eyes brightened, "Yes, I've heard of it."