Chapter 1209: Fear Nothing if You Can Run Fast Enough_1

The proper way to use a slave?

Well, it really is like that!

If the goal is to collect Guilingzhi, and there are giant beasts guarding them, then the beasts need to be lured away. Every one of these beasts is incredibly strong, and luring them away involves great risks. It's most appropriate to let the Human Clan slaves do this work.

As long as they can pick Guilingzhi, it doesn't matter if the Human Clan slaves die.

Even if one slave dies for each Guilingzhi picked, it's still not a loss!

"You hide first, and when it runs far away, you come out!"


Nalan Wushuang had a Death Mark stacked on her, and she quietly hid, like a stone.

Lin Chen boldly flew out and was quickly spotted by the giant mantis. Its dark green eyes stared at Lin Chen, with cold killing intent swirling inside.

It had never seen prey that looked like this before, but it didn't matter.

As long as it's alive, it can be eaten!