Chapter 1212: With One Punch from Me, He Might Die!_1

"Will everyone try to snatch it?"

Facing Lin Chen's doubts, Nalan Wushuang sneered, "If it were the tenth day and the two of us encountered more than ten of them, do you think they would attack us?"

Lin Chen's eyes widened in surprise, "I was talking about fighting for the Guilingzhi at the same time to see who could get it first. Are you saying... they would directly rob us? Can they even rob people directly?"

"Otherwise, why would there be a division of power?"

Nalan Wushuang countered, "When your Human Clan explores the Secret Realm, don't you also fight and even kill each other for loot?"

Lin Chen admitted, "Yes, the various sects of the Human Clan indeed have no rules in the Secret Realm. Various robberies and even murders occur, but it's just a matter of tying up grudges."

"I was just wondering if the Secret Realm opened by the Demon Emperor might be more moderate or have some rules to reduce infighting and losses."

"Survival of the fittest!"