Chapter 1214: A Growing Innate Phenomenon?_1

"Ah, let me go, Holy Maiden, Your Highness, I was wrong, please spare my life, I surrender, I am willing to be a slave..."

The Primordial Spirit cried out in terror, struggling desperately like a drowning person trying to keep their head above water.

Another huge wave rolled and fiercely crashed over them, submerging them into the sea water and completely disappearing from sight.

Lin Chen watched this scene, his eyes shining brightly.

How awesome!

The primordial spirit of a Great Demon is not to be underestimated, possessing not only powerful offensive capabilities but also terrifying speed due to its lack of a physical form. It can quickly escape and easily burrow through the ground. As a result, it is usually challenging to completely kill a Great Demon or someone in the Void stage.