Chapter 1218: Assassination_1


Mount Kui Beast's massive body fell down and stopped moving.

In the sky, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of luck for surviving this calamity.

It was finally dead!

Of the more than 100 Great Demons, only over 70 remained. To kill this ancient giant beast, almost 30 Great Demons died.

There weren't many injured because those who were hit by Kui Niu usually died directly, without even having the chance to get hurt.

Kui Niu's defense was too strong; even if a Magical Treasure as big as a small mountain hit it, it wouldn't feel pain.

Kui Niu didn't have many attack skills. After all, it didn't have claws and couldn't use magic. It mainly relied on brute force, swinging its Bull's Tail, charging, and biting.

What appeared to be a simple charge would send numerous Magical Treasures flying directly, some even exploding upon impact.