Chapter 1230: Could You Stop Disturbing Me, Alright?_1

"The Human Clan and the Demon Race are destined to vie for supremacy. Why can't the Demon Race be the victor?"

The Demon Emperor said coldly, "I came close to achieving this in the past. Now, I just want to make up for that regret and finish what I started."

Lin Chen didn't comment, but calmly asked, "Did any immortals participate in the great war between the Human Clan and the Demon Race?"

The Demon Emperor frowned slightly: "Why ask this?"

Lin Chen laughed, "If no immortal intervened, as the Demon Emperor, supreme and unchallenged, if you want to unify the Barren Wilderness and trample the Human Clan beneath your feet, it is understandable. But if an immortal did intervene, then what are you, Demon Emperor? An extension of an immortal's will? Or an immortal's lackey?"