Chapter 1233 Resurrection, Magnificent Scenery_1

"Fairy, what now?"

"Find a quiet place and revive. Everything is prepared, right?"

"Yes, everything is ready. We can start anytime."

Xuanji Fairy's voice carried an undeniable excitement and anticipation. After being suppressed for ten thousand years, she was finally about to resurrect!

The Daluo Reincarnation Pill had been refined, and the Vitality Liquid had long been prepared. Everything was set, save for the final step.

A nearby ice valley was chosen. This place was in the far north of North Wu State, isolated and uninhabited, an ideal location.

Inside the large Ice Cave, Lin Chen brought out a trough and injected the Vitality Liquid into it.

The water rippled as Xuanji's body was fully immersed in the trough, her voice echoed in Lin Chen's ear.

"You use the Shengling Pearl to infuse vitality into the trough. Until a complete resurrection is achieved, you can't stop."

Her voice paused and softened, "It might be hard, but hang on."