Chapter 1249: Giving you the opportunity, you must make use of it!_1

The messengers of the Cold Winter City, like arrows being launched, swiftly spread towards the four states.

Wherever they went, the world was stunned.

The Barren Wilderness was originally just one of the numerous lower realms of the countless immortal domains of the Immortal Realm, the Thunder Immortal Domain!

The unremarkable Barren Wilderness, cut off from the Ascension Channel for tens of thousands of years because of the grudges between two women, is now facing a life or death predicament.

Behind the Demon Emperor stands Weijiao, the daughter of the Chief Guard and a senior member of the North Profound Sect.

Behind the Human Emperor stands Xuanji Fairy, the Lord's Daughter.

Although Xuanji Fairy is of noble status, she was trapped here and sealed after ascension to the upper realm, unable to send out any messages. Now, the entire Barren Wilderness is being searched for her by Weijiao's trap.