Chapter 1251 Who do you think hired me? _1

Makes sense!

Lin Chen had doubted the strength of Fox Wolf before, and now he has his answer.

He never expected that at this critical moment, a killer would suddenly come to assassinate him, and it happened to be the Fox Wolf from his past!

Qiu Shisan had initially revealed the secret of Yin Yang Valley to him, with the condition that he would avenge her by killing the Fox Wolf.

As an elusive assassin coming and going without leaving any trace, Lin Chen couldn't locate the Fox Wolf. Since his power wasn't sufficient back then, he had put this matter on hold, never expected his wish would be fulfilled today.

Lin Chen stared at Fox Wolf and asked, "How did you find me?"

Fox Wolf answered, "The curse mark on your body. I had assigned an assassin to wait for you and then assassinate you. He failed and cursed you..."