Chapter 1276: I Heard the Xuanji Fairy is Still Single, Hehe..._1

"It's a good thing that you acted swiftly and had everyone moved out of Nanyue Hengshan. Otherwise, it might have been a massacre, with corpses littering the ground and rivers of blood..."

Everyone shuddered at the mention of this event.

Despite being Heaven's Chosen in the Barren Wilderness, their skills were useless in front of Immortals.

After hearing Lin Chen's narrative, everyone sighed at the seemingly endless trials and tribulations he had faced and survived.

"So, Xuanji Fairy has finally avenged her great tribulation?"

Lin Chen answered with a laugh, "Who knows? But the fact that Weijiao gave up control over Ji Ruxue and others is good news. Xuanji Fairy is the daughter of the Domain Lord. While the Domain Lord hasn't returned in five hundred years, he is not dead. Weijiao can't overturn heaven without them."

Qiao Wei chuckled, "So we just wait for the fairy to return and reconstruct the Ascension Channel?"