Chapter 1282: Where is the Principle of Blocking Honored Guests Outside the Door?_1

Lin Chen was not the least concerned with the eradication of the remnants of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect.

If they did show up, he would naturally take care of them in passing, but he didn't intend to go after them proactively.

He had more important things to do now.

He needed to go to Penglai!

Originally, he thought he might meet Gu Yuexi and Chu Jiaxue, whom he hadn't seen in a long time, at this gathering of worldly forces. However, neither of them showed up.

Among the ones from Cangshan Cave Heaven, there was Chen Tongxian, an old acquaintance of Lin Chen.

Chen Tongxian told Lin Chen that after receiving the information from Lin Chen's Jade Slip, Gu Yuexi went into the Cangshan Forbidden Water Spirit Cave for Closed Door Cultivation.

She couldn't leave the Forbidden Land until she had broken through her current level of cultivation.