Chapter 1284: Envoy? Sent by whom!_1

Guo Yuan Hai stared at Lin Chen, his eyes gradually becoming sinister.

"Indeed, I never imagined that you would come to my doorstep…" Guo Yuan Hai's voice was cold. "My disciple was originally the Son of Penglai. That old guy was not far from death. With the unification of the four sects, the entire Penglai would have been in our grasp. But you killed him, causing all my plans to flow away in the east. Do you not think I hate you?"

Lin Chen's heart sank. Guo Yuan Hai was speaking so recklessly in this place, even daring to call the Cave Master an old man. Clearly, massive changes had occurred in Penglai.

Penglai should now be under the control of Guo Yuan Hai.

Although Lin Chen did not fear Guo Yuan Hai, he was deeply worried about Chu Jia Xue.

I killed An Zi Wu, and Chu Jia Xue replaced him, becoming the Son of Penglai. Guo Yuan Hai must hate both Chu Jia Xue and me. Now that he's in power, she might already be in trouble.