Chapter 1290: There's only one chance to save a person, I'll do it myself! _1

"Sect Leader Chen."

Lin Chen greeted, casually opened the dungeon, letting everyone out.

Chen Meifeng looked at Lin Chen with surprise and delight, "Lin Chen, why are you here?"

Lin Chen responded, "I organized a gathering of leaders from the major human sects in Central Divine State, but nobody from the Four Sects of Penglai showed up. I found it strange. After finishing my work, I came to see Jia Xue..."

Chen Meifeng's face instantly changed, "Jia Xue has been taken away by someone."

Lin Chen nodded, "I already know. I will rescue her."

Chen Meifeng cast her eyes to the embarrassed Guo Yuanhai, a look of intense hatred in their depths.

"Guo Yuan Hai! You despicable traitor who disgraces our sect, karma has caught up with you now!"

Guo Yuanhai closed his eyes and remained silent. He knew he had no chance to survive and ignored Chen Meifeng.

The victor commands respect, while the loser is scorned, he accepted his fate!

"Let's talk outside."