Chapter 1292: Forget the Sorrows, Wait Quietly for the Immortal Fate_1

Lin Chen followed the old man into his house. In the courtyard, an old woman was lying on a bamboo chair, seemingly dozing off.

Hearing the footsteps, the old woman opened her eyes and her gaze fell on Lin Chen. For an instant, her eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Lin Chen shivered inwardly. Was she inspecting him?

Lin Chen wasn't overly concerned, because the technique he used was taught to him by Qi Lin at the last moment.

"You possess the Wu Xiang Demon Skill that allows you to alter your appearance, this will be sufficient in dealing with various situations. However, your aura and your 'Sword Bone' cannot be hidden. A sweep of divine sense from others will expose all your secrets."

"I will transmit to you a technique to conceal your internal state. Even if the person is an Immortal, they might not necessarily be able to see your internal state. You can disguise yourself to appear like an ordinary Cultivator."