Chapter 1297: Realm not there yet? Just need a little boost to get there!_1

"Young friend, this is Guo Jia, an envoy from the immortals, who is responsible for testing your Immortal Fate."

Guo Jia was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with an indifferent attitude and a gaze that suggested subtle scrutiny from a higher vantage point.

When Guo Jia arrived, the lively atmosphere immediately cooled down considerably. Even if Guo Jia was originally one of them, it was evident that an intangible hierarchy had emerged between him and the others since he became an envoy of the immortals.

Guo Jia noticed people's reaction, nonchalantly said, "I'll just test his Immortal Fate and leave so that it won't interrupt your celebration."

Out of curiosity, Lin Chen asked, "Envoy, how will the test be conducted?"

Guo Jia pulled out a crystal ball enveloped in a white mist, then handed it to Lin Chen, "It is very simple, just hold it with both hands."

Lin Chen extended both hands to receive the crystal ball, feeling rather jittery.

What kind of result would reveal?