Chapter 1311: No matter what I say, I am better than them, right!?_1

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Jia in front of him and laughed, "Why did you surrender so easily? Weren't you so loyal to Li Wudao?"

Zhao Jia wiped a corner of his mouth that was dripping with blood, speaking with an attitude of abandonment, "I'm already on the verge of death, what does being loyal matter now? At the end of the day, we are just a bunch of robbers."

"I failed to stop you before, which was my mistake. I was bound to be punished cruelly. I couldn't bear that kind of punishment. So, I chased after you, hoping to catch you to make up for my mistake and avoid punishment."

"Since I've fallen into your hands now, if I don't surrender, it's death. Isn't that worse than punishment? To survive, I have to surrender. I've only just been resurrected, even if I'm only a semi-immortal, who would want to just fade away and die?"
