Chapter 1317 He's the New Legend of the Barren Wilderness! _1

"Brother Chen, I've heard you've been amazing recently, saving immortals, defeating millions of the demon race, and becoming the president of the Human Race Union..."

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "That's nothing compared to what I've really achieved. Taking down hundreds of Immortals, now that's impressive."

Gu Yuexi rolled her eyes: "Even if you want to lie to me, at least concoct a better story. If you say your strength is incredible, and you had the chance to kill an Immortal, I would believe you. This is the Barren Wilderness, not the Immortal Realm, where do all these Immortals come from?"

Lin Chen simply laughed without responding.

Chu Jiaxue also laughed.

Gu Yuexi glanced at Lin Chen, then at Chu Jiaxue, the expression on her face gradually changing.

"What you're's not true, is it? "

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "Of course it's true. I might deceive others, would I deceive you? "