Chapter 1322: I Will Wait for You in the Immortal Palace_1

"Since we have the Array Diagram, let's get started."

Lin Chen laughed heartily, "We can reconstruct the Array Formation, ascend to immortality, and there is no longer a need to be trapped here in the Barren Wilderness."

Qi chuckled, handing over an Image Recording Stone.

"This is what she gave you, I didn't look at it, you can see for yourself."

Qi's figure flashed, vanishing into thin air.

Lin Chen caught the Image Recording Stone, laughing, "You didn't have to run off…"

Qi's voice echoed in the Main Hall, "In case there are parts I shouldn't have seen. Oh, you. Not to mention your strength, but your romantic pursuits are thriving indeed."

Lin Chen felt a bit embarrassed.

Qi's voice faded and her figure vanished. She had evidently left completely.

Lin Chen looked at the Image Recording Stone, his eyes flashed with a peculiar glint.

Was there something between him and Xuan Ji?