Chapter 1348: Even the Immortal Can't Withstand This Heavenly Tribulation, Right?_1

"Purple Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Oh, shoot! As expected of the Human Emperor. This is just the first one, and it's already a Purple Heavenly Tribulation!"

"This is too exaggerated! The first one is already like this, how terrifying will the ninth Thunder Tribulation be? Can he withstand it?"

"This is too scary!"

The Demon Emperor touched his chin, equally shocked.

He had an early hunch that Lin Chen's Crossing Tribulation would be different from others, but he never expected Lin Chen's Array to be so huge.

The first one.

The second one.

The third one.

The power of the Purple Thunder Tribulation was becoming more and more massive, and even Lin Chen himself was taken aback.

This is too exaggerated.

This is way bigger than my own God Transformation advancing to Void cultivation. This power is more than ten times stronger!

Lin Chen has seen many powerful Cultivators face Tribulation, but none of them were half as intimidating as he was.