Chapter 1360: I let you go, and you just leave?_1

On the stone stairs, Lin Chen sat, seemingly gazing at the scenery, but in reality, he was experiencing the sharp Sword Intent emanating from the stone stairs beneath him.

This part of the stone stairs was located in the middle section of the entire structure, an unassuming step. However, the Sword Intent at this particular step was the most profound and sharpest among the thousands of steps on the stairway.

Ordinary Cultivators might not detect the Sword Intent embedded in the stairs even if they set foot on them, after all, the faintly discernible breath was easily buried by the intense Sword Intent in Heavenly Sword Peak.

Even if they could sense the Sword Intent on the stairs, how many could distinguish the variations within this subtle Sword Intent?

Lin Chen lowered his head, looking at the step under his feet, his eyes flickering with inexplicable excitement.