Chapter 1362: How about you hold a flag for the White Crane Immortal Sect?_1

Su Shaoling!

The name flashed across Lin Chen's mind subconsciously. He had envisaged many things that might emerge after breaking the steps, but he hadn't expected a person to appear.

Primordial spirit avatar.

The best way of inheritance.

Even if it is just a primordial spirit avatar, this avatar represents the state he was in when he left the inheritance, that is, Su Shaoling, who swept the entire Immortal Domain with the Heavenly Sword, at his peak!

Lin Chen bowed, "Master Su!"

Su Shaoling glanced at Lin Chen, then looked at Su Wu beside him, "Su Wu, is it him?"

The excited Su Wu reverentially said, "Yes, Master, it is him..." as he relayed all of Lin Chen's achievements.

Su Shaoling looked surprisingly at Lin Chen, "Yo, from the Lower Realm, huh? How old are you, being so young?"

Lin Chen answered, "Just over thirty-five."