Chapter 1368: How Can a Human Immortal Be So Strong? _1

The leading disciple of the White Crane Immortal Sect, Duan Keshan, was at the Cave Null Middle Period, was heavily injured in several places. He was channeling all his strength into a shield to protect himself from Cui Zi'en's flying sword, retreating incessantly.

"I've already sent the signal, our Martial Uncle will be here right away!"

Cui Zi'en sneered, "Even if he comes, what advantages does it give you? With my master here, it's not their place to run wild. If you know what's best for you, hand over the Suoluo Fruit quickly. Otherwise, all of you, including your Martial Uncle, won't be able to save your lives!"

Duan Keshan remained silent, continuing to hold his ground desperately.

The continuous collision of Cui Zi'en's flying sword against Duan Keshan's shield created sounds akin to a thunderbolt.