Chapter 1392 The Peak True Immortal is gone just like that? _1


The Qingluo Umbrella, which was enough to withstand a full strike from a peak True Immortal, bent the instant it came into contact with the Sword Qi, then shattered. The umbrella's surface was instantly filled with hundreds of holes made by the Sword Qi, and the handle was directly broken with a crisp sound.

The Golden Light Shield followed closely after the Qingluo Umbrella, protecting Wu Ying from the front.

This was a treasure that Wu Ying had found in an ancient Secret Realm. Although it was partially damaged, its defensive power was still formidable. It had helped him evade many dangers.

As soon as the Golden Light Shield was displayed, an intense collision sound suddenly rang out, as if countless bullets had struck the shield. Then, all the densely packed collision sounds turned into a single, sharp sound.
