Chapter 1403 The Struggles of The Lamb_1

Shu Zi Feng had been hiding for almost half the day.

She guessed that the others must have left by now, so she struggled to climb out of the mud pit.

But as she climbed out, she was taken aback.

There, sitting cross-legged on a rock not far ahead, was a young man quietly looking at her.

Although he was there in plain sight, she couldn't sense his presence at all, as if he was just another rock devoid of living breath.

Shu Zi Feng felt a chill run down her spine. Had she been discovered all along?

But if they knew she was there, why hadn't they pulled her out directly?

Were they toying with her, like a cat with its prey?

No, that wasn't correct!

The young man before her eyes wasn't among those chasing her before. The look in his eyes was filled with sympathy and admiration, but not with malevolence.

So who was he?