Chapter 1421: As Long As Your Strength Is Strong Enough, Others Will Fear You!_1

"This bottle of Hundred Refining Jade Marrow Pill, and this Meteor Iron Flying Sword, I present to you as your initiation gifts."

Shu Zi Feng took them with glee, "Thank you, Master."

Seeing the reverent expression on Shu Zi Feng's face, Lin Chen felt a complicated surge of emotions.

Had he really become a master as well?

With such high talent, what could he teach her?

The commonplace sword doctrines were not lacking in White Crane Immortal Sect. Theoretically, as a disciple of Heavenly Sword Peak, she should learn the Heavenly Sword, but he has not fully comprehended it yet, how could he teach her?

No matter, he wouldn't worry about it for now. First, he would find the opportunity drawn by her and see what happens.

"Let's go, first to find a map."

Shu Zi Feng asked, "Master, weren't you about to go to the Blackstone Mountain Range? Don't you think examining the location of the map first will delay your trip?"