Chapter 1430: Min Huakun's Mentality Collapsed!_1

Damn, you're not playing fair!

Lin Chen nearly cursed out loud, infuriated. He had taken such lengths to avoid the strike of that sword only to be forcibly chosen by it!

He was indeed nothing more than an ant that seemed amusing to others!

There was no time for Lin Chen to speak, as the Sword of Light was already upon him.

Fate would determine who could withstand this sword.

This sword came loaded with a great opportunity!

The words of the young man flashed through Lin Chen's mind, and he decided to take the gamble.

He didn't dodge further; his right hand gripped the San Sheng Sword while his left hand touched his forehead.

The Sword Qi, hiding within his Sea of Knowledge, was already connected to his divine spirit; it could be activated at any moment.

If he couldn't handle the Sword of Light, he would shatter it using the Sword Qi passed down from his predecessor. As for what would follow, it would have to be addressed then and there.

One step at a time!