Chapter 1443: The Adventure in the Mountain Crevice_1

Lin Chen, having covered a thousand miles and seeing no one from the Winter Thunder Sect in pursuit, breathed a sigh of relief.

With the Chasing Light Boots and Reduced Land to Inches technique, his speed was certainly faster.

The two old men who were at the Earth Immortal strength level were unable to catch up to him, proving the Reduced Land to Inches technique to still be quite useful in the Immortal Realm.

Lin Chen applied a Death Mark on himself to conceal his vitality, then found a hidden crack in a valley to rest.

He needed to heal his injuries.

Still, even though he was able to escape easily from the combined attack of two Earth Immortals, he was not unscathed. After all, the strength of an Earth Immortal could easily overwhelm a Human Immortal.

Under normal circumstances, it would only take one strike for an Early Stage Earth Immortal to kill a Late Stage Human Immortal.

Yes, the gap is that large!