Chapter 1454: Are you trying to kidnap someone?_1

Guo Wenyue's strength might not be impressive, but his status is high.

The Boundless Sword Sect is a major power behind the Iron Lion Dynasty, and is among the prestigious sects in the Cloud Sky Continent. Among all the people present, aside from Lin Chen from the White Crane Immortal Sect, there really wasn't any sect that dared to openly challenge the Boundless Sword Sect.

Moreover, ignoring the background of the sect and just considering the strength of the people on the spot, Shi Kaizong, who stood behind Guo Wenyue, possessed the strength of a Golden Immortal. Who among them could be his opponent?

Strength is revered!

In the darkness, someone grudgingly spoke up, "Fellow cultivator Guo, aren't you being too greedy? There are so many of us here, yet you are disregarding us completely."

The intention to instigate was implicit in this person's words. After all, once more people were present, even the Boundless Sword Sect had to show some restraint.