Chapter 1463: Do You Also Want to Loot a Burning House?_1

"Pill Prescription?"

Lin Chen's first thought was the invaluable Nine-Turn Da Luo Pill Recipe.

"Of course, that would work, but I advise you to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone about this pill recipe. Otherwise, you'll get into endless trouble, even risking your life."

Zi Yun Fairy warned, "To reach Daluo, one must have a Nine-Turn Da Luo Pill, but not everyone gets a Nine-Turn Da Luo Pill or the recipe. Understand?"

Lin Chen was taken aback and committed this warning to his heart.

Zi Yun Fairy's voice was cold, "There are certainly people who know about the Nine-Turn Da Luo Pill Recipe, but no one would speak about it publicly. This is first, because it can lead to trouble, and second, because the medicinal herbs required for the recipe are all highly coveted. If the pill recipe becomes known, gathering these medicinal herbs will become even more challenging."

Lin Chen expressed his gratefulness, "Thank you for the reminder, Fairy!"