Chapter 1468: Now Let's Talk About My Compensation_1


With a tragic cry, Che Fangrong's body was instantly torn apart by the Sword Qi, particularly when the Dao Symbol hit her, half of her body was directly blown away.

Although Che Fangrong's Primordial Spirit managed to escape, it could not avoid the power of the Dao Symbol's explosion. In the midst of the golden light, her Primordial Spirit fled in embarrassment, faded significantly.

She had managed to escape quickly enough; any more hesitation would have likely caused more severe injuries.

Lu Ze'an didn't even glance at Che Fangrong. He looked at Purple Cloud Fairy with astonishment and fear in his eyes.

He didn't unleash his full power in the attack just now, as it was a hastily thrown move. Yet, the Purple Cloud Fairy effortlessly broke it. This attested to how her strength was possibly no lesser than his own.

Who was this young woman?

"Who are you?" he asked.