Chapter 1475: Fairy, You Are Really Generous_1

Zhu Binhui was dead.

His body had been neatly cut in half. From the center of his brow downwards, split in two with not a single drop of blood to be seen - he appeared much like a dried corpse.

Lin Chen turned his head and asked, "What about his primordial spirit?"


Lin Chen was stunned, even his Primordial Spirit had been cut down?

This was genuinely terrifying.

But considering the power gap between the Zi Yun Fairy and Zhu Binhui, he came to understand.

An Immortal in the late stages slaying a Golden Immortal in the late stages, killing him in one instant - wasn't that entirely normal?

Lin Chen's gaze fell on the five flags in Zi Yun Fairy's hand: "These five Array Banners are the Immortal-Slaying Array, it seems quite powerful."

Zi Yun Fairy swept over them with her Divine Sense, removing the prohibitions on the flags for examination.

"Quite an interesting idea, but this Array Formation isn't quite complete, although it can still be upgraded..."