Chapter 1500: You can refine pills, can't I?_1

"Firstly, when it comes to buying and selling, it's first come, first served. I have the right to buy it first."

"Secondly, I was just negotiating the price, not refusing to buy it. Besides, the item is in my possession, and I paid the Immortal Spirit Stones first. It naturally belongs to me."

Lin Chen turned around, looking at the two with a calm expression, speaking in an equally calm tone: "Is there a problem?"

The man and woman glanced at Lin Chen, who remained unflustered amidst the abrupt situation, their expressions only slightly surprised, after all, his composure was remarkable.

The man cupped his hands: "My name is Zeng Tongxiu, this is my martial sister, An Congyun, we are disciples of the Double Dragon Sect. How should we address you?"

Lin Chen was not wearing the white robe with the White Crane Immortal Sect's insignia. This was not intentional; he preferred the Ink Silkworm Robe because of its superior defensive powers.

Safety first when travelling abroad.