Chapter 1514: What do you mean with this reaction?!_1

"Ladies and Gentlemen, now entering the arena are the top eight competitors of the Pill King Competition. They will engage in a fierce showdown to determine the true Pill King of this edition!"

"The rules for this round are quite simple. The eight contestants are divided into four groups, will be given the same problem, and will start at the same time. The quality of the medicinal pills they produce will be the determining factor for victory. If the quality of the pills cannot be differentiated, we will measure the time taken to refine the pill. The person who takes less time wins!"

"In this round, four contestants will qualify for advancement, and four will be eliminated."

"Please contestants, draw your lots."

Lin Chen and the other seven took turns drawing, pairing up for the competition.

Lin Chen drew number three. As he was looking at his draw, Zeng Tongxiu from across had already revealed his number.

Number five!