Chapter 1528: Heaven Has a Road You Won't Take, Hell Has No Door Yet You Break In! _1

Snow Dragon Mountain.

The mountaintop blanketed in ice and snow stands imposingly, its magnificent, consecutive buildings looming proudly. In this sparsely populated area, however, one could only see the misty peak from afar, the constructions atop it invisible.

The three men and a woman who had been injured and driven away by Lei Zhenxiu when they tried to forcefully recruit Lin Chen, quickly flew into the fog, showed their tokens, passed the Array Formation, and then flew into the grand hall on the mountaintop.

In this hall, a white-haired man was seated cross-legged, in deep meditation.

Although he appeared young, probably in his thirties, his hair was snow white, without a hint of any other color.

The three men and a woman entered the hall, paid their respects at the center of the vast room, raising their right hands to their foreheads.


The white-haired man opened his eyes, his gaze fell on the injured man, and his brows slightly creased.

"Where is he?"