Chapter 1534: Deadlock_1


Lei Zhenxiu, like a meteorite, was thrown straight out; her bones snapped and fresh blood spurted.

Even though she had reached the peak of Golden Immortal status, she was still no match for an adversary in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Higher the realm above immortality, greater the disparity.

To illustrate in simple numbers: the difference between Peak of Void Profoundness and Immortality is one to ten; the difference between Peak Golden Immortal and Heavenly Immortal might be ten thousand to a hundred thousand. The ratio might seem to remain large, but in a fight, the disparity of power that explodes forth is worlds apart.

This man obviously intended to trap Lei Zhenxiu by deliberately hiding his strength and then severely injuring her with one blow.

If it had been a head-on confrontation at full strength, Lei Zhenxiu would probably have been annihilated in one shot.

A Heavenly Immortal towards a Golden Immortal; how unreasonable!