Chapter 1538: The Cunning Method to Find the Wanli Palace _1

"Has Weijiao's force grown so large?"

Lei Zhenxiu looked worried. The Cloud Sky Continent was quite remote from the Immortal Palace, yet Weijiao could mobilize so many forces with a single sentence. It demonstrated the enormous power of the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "Not necessarily. When it comes to locating someone, outsiders are definitely a no-go. Only locals who are most familiar with this place can undertake this task. These people who are stationed everywhere may not necessarily be from the Heavenly Dao Alliance. They could be local forces hired at a high price, or they might've been coerced into serving them."

Yao Xuanji agreed: "Most likely so. Although we are on land, we are closest to South Sea Myriad-Glass Palace. Unless the Palace has pledged allegiance to the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the Alliance wouldn't dare to stir up trouble in South Yuncity. After all, angering Ao Li is not worth the loss."