Chapter 1555: Weak Strength? You have the nerve to talk_1

"The Black Dragon Ring, a spatial storage magical treasure. However, what it stores is not tangible objects, but the immortal spirit Qi."

"There's an array formation within this magical treasure, which can form stored spiritual Qi into a Black Dragon Shockwave to attack. It can store up to three streams of spiritual Qi, and each stream can activate a Black Dragon Shockwave."

"To put it simply, you can let a powerhouse infuse spiritual Qi for you, and you can use it when in danger. Although it will certainly not match the full strength of that powerhouse, normally, 30% of its power should be there."

Lin Chen, looking at the black ring shaped like a dragon's head in front of his eyes, brightened up, "Can it be used cyclically?"

Ao Li nodded: "Yes, once the three stored streams of spiritual Qi are used up, you can have a powerhouse infuse spiritual Qi for you again. The higher the strength of the infuser, the stronger the power of the stored bursts of spiritual Qi."