Chapter 1558: Who is this rat, Death! _1

Lin Chen held Yao Xuanji around the waist, the Dao Pattern flashing under his feet as his figure vanished into the distance.


The very space Lin Chen had just occupied exploded with an intense sonic boom, as if space itself had collapsed. The impact ranged over several miles.

Everything beneath this area of space was crushed in an instant.

Mountain peaks crumbled, trees turned to dust...

In the distant sky, a middle-aged man with a stern look retracted his grasping hand, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

His grasp could have crushed all life in this space. Lin Chen and Yao Xuanji, with their power, undoubtedly could not resist it and would have been annihilated in an instant!

Unfortunately, at the moment he squeezed the space, Lin Chen had already left, his figure appearing hundreds of miles away.

Without a glimmer of gold, he vanished, appearing in a completely different place!

How is this 'Reducing Land to Inches' the same as the legendary 'Big Voidstep'?