Chapter 1577: Did You Know Long Ago That We Had Bad Intentions?_1

Cui Hong pouted, "Next time I'll play the aloof miss, and you play the maid!"

Liu YuQi said with a grin, "If you play the miss, pulling a long face and not saying a word, who would want to deal with us except for those lustful hungry ghosts?"

Cui Hong snorted, unable to retort, and then set her eyes on the unconscious Lin Chen, "Should we kill him?"

"Just because he washed dishes for a few days, is it really necessary?"

Liu YuQi walked up to the small pavilion, grinning at Lin Chen who lay on the cushions: "We're here for money, not to kill, I don't want to end up on the notorious people list. Besides, Young Master Lin made us delicacies these past few days. Isn't it only right that we wash dishes after eating his food? Killing him for this would be heartless."

Cui Hong scoffed coldly, "You talk like you're a soft-hearted weak woman. When it comes to killing, you're much quicker than I am."