Chapter 1588: Daring to open a store without having anything!_1

Flame Dragon Ghost Bat?

The colour in Jin Buhuan's eyes became two shades more serious. That's a super ferocious beast, rare in number, often sleeping under active volcanoes, its innate sonic attack is extremely powerful.

Escaping the hunt of the Golden Winged Peng and killing the Flame Dragon Ghost Bat, what kind of strength do you need for that?

Didn't the White Crane Immortal Sect decline after Su Shaoling left?

Who else has such terrifying strength?

"Impressive! Is it one of your seniors in the White Crane Immortal Sect?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "No, just a friend of mine."

Jin Buhuan smiled slightly: "Brother Lin, your friend is really strong! They even gave you a beast like the Golden Winged Peng."

Lin Chen laughed, "Friends."

Jin Buhuan tentatively asked: "Brother Lin, have you ever thought about selling this young Golden Winged Peng?"