Chapter 1592: I have a premonition, we will meet again!_1

"Freedom" continued on its journey, with Lin Chen receiving a warm reception from Jin Buhuan.

During the days of crossing the Vast Sea Wilderness, at least seven or eight robber cultivators boarded the Freeholder Merchant Ship and completed transactions with Jin Buhuan.

Seeing Lin Chen's interest in these robber cultivators, Jin Buhuan simply invited him to join in and Lin Chen didn't refuse. After all, traveling across the continent and gaining some knowledge was always beneficial.

Who knows? Maybe one day when he would cross the Vast Sea Wilderness again, he might have dealings with these robber cultivators?

After five days, "Freedom" finally emerged from the sea of clouds, leaving the Hanhai Plains.

Upon the ship's foredeck, Jin Buhuan personally bid Lin Chen farewell.

"Brother Lin, you're heading to the Ten Thousand Flowers Palace, which requires you to continue north, while I'm going east. We should part ways for now. Here's a toast to wish you a smooth journey!"