Chapter 1596: A Gathering Once Every Hundred Years, Divine Flame Martial Arts Competition_1


In the bedroom, Chu Jiaxue's moans filled the room, continuing for a long time with brief pauses in between, starting and stopping.

Like that, they toiled through half the night until eventually, the two calmed down.

The longing as intense as a volcano was finally completely released in these passionate encounters.

Finally, there was complete silence.

"So you're not only the heir of the Heavenly Sword but also the junior martial uncle of the White Crane Immortal Sect and the new Pill King…"

Lin Chen laughed, "Yes, for the past five years, all I've been doing is refining pills, refining pills, refining more pills, almost drove me crazy."

Chu Jiaxue, leaning on Lin Chen's chest, looking up at his face, said: "You're quite impressive. I originally thought that I've made significant progress over the years but didn't expect your progress to be even greater. In the human world, the Barren Wilderness, and the Immortal Realm, you're amazing wherever you go!"