Chapter 1612: Think you can escape? I'll destroy everything here! _1

"Big Sister?"

The crazed smile on Zou Manhua's face froze, her cold and dangerous gaze landed on the only man in the crowd across from her.

"What did you call me?"

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands casually: "I called you big sister. Given your age, that shouldn't be a problem, right? Or do you think I'm calling you too young, and you want me to call you grandmother?"

A fierce look gradually thickened on Zou Manhua's face: "Sharp-tongued, wait until I pull all your teeth and tongue out, then I'll see if you still have the courage to babble nonsense."

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "As an elder, you vent your anger on a young man who has nothing to do with you, of all the immortals I've seen, you're definitely the pettiest!"

Although Zou Manhua's character was wild, she was still quite embarrassed being humiliated by a junior like Lin Chen. After all, her behavior was not at all considered honorable, but rather, a standard narrow-mindedness.