Chapter 1642: The Battle of the Tyrant is So Simple and Unadorned_1

Dugu Ying's face changed.

The previous blow had been his full strength, but it only managed to break two talismans.

Fang Wubing still had eight attached to his body!

Dugu Ying suddenly felt a bit prickly about this situation.

A Magical Treasure attack is much like wielding a sword in a face-off. You have to exert enormous effort to parry the opponent's weapon, shatter their shield, and then wound them. If you have far superior strength, it's easy to achieve this.

However, if your strength is weaker, not only do you have to exert a great deal of energy, but you would also have to withstand the force of the opponent's blows, making it easy for you to get injured.

A talisman, however, is like a pre-made hand grenade. You just need to pull the pin and throw it. Throw it far enough and no matter how badly it hurts others, it won't hurt you at all.