Chapter 1653: He will not die, he is the strongest!_1

Gu Yuexi gave no further response to Li Wentong's comments.

Seeing this, Li Wentong no longer said anything. He clasped his hands towards the crowd and bowed, "My apologies for giving you such a farce to watch."

Li Wentong exited the scene gracefully, showing no trace of embarrassment from his public proposal rejection.

Fang Wubing praised, "This fellow has a strong mentality, rejected in front of so many people yet he could keep his composure..."

Zhao Rui wore a slightly awkward expression, wasn't that simply calling Li Wentong thick-skinned?

"Sick Young Master, I will bring Miss Gu over."

Fang Wubing chuckled, "Let's meet privately later, I do not wish to become a thorn in somebody's eye."

Given Li Wentong's actions, Gu Yuexi was under everyone's attention. If Fang Wubing went to see her now, it would sure stir up more rumors.


Fang Wubing, surrounded by a group of gorgeous handmaids, is attracting many attentive eyes.