Chapter 1656: The Little Fun between Husband and Wife, Don't You Know?_1

Guest Building.

Fang Wubing had just gotten up from bed, in the middle of having breakfast, when suddenly a handmaid stormed in with a report.

"Disciple Li Wentong of the Divine Wood Palace is visiting."

Fang Wubing was stunned.

Li Wentong?

What would this fellow be doing here so early in the morning?

I don't even know him.

Wait, hold on.

Gu Yuexi?

Fang Wubing's face suddenly turned rather comical.

Li Wentong sent people to keep an eye on Gu Yuexi, so he knew that Gu Yuexi had spent the night here?

He thinks I have something going on with Gu Yuexi?

Ah, this is an unexpected blame to assume!

While Fang Wubing didn't mind assuming the blame, it would still depend on whether Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi wanted him to, after all, this matter concerns Gu Yuexi's reputation.

"Go tell Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi about this."
